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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Set Any Picture On Windows 7 Login Screen Background

Set Any Picture On Windows 7 Login Screen Background

Logon screen a free utility used for making changes in the Logon screen according to the user requirements. Its a user friendly application for Windows 7 user for changing the Logon Screen of the computer.


The application allows the user to change the logon screen background without the help of any hacks or tools. Unlike XP and Vista you need not to use any third-party utilities to change the logon screen background in Windows 7.

Basically in Vista and XP we didn’t have this utility to change the background of the logon screen. But with this we are able to easily modify the background of the Logon screen. Basically without this utility if we want to change the background then we have to make changes in the registry editor and requires some hacking tricks. It was quite a tedious task to perform that feature on the system.

But with this utility the user are bale to modify the background of their Logon Screen in a easy manner.

I just telling you how could you these changes manually

  1. Fire up registry editor (Win Key + R and then type regedit, hit enter)
  2. Browse for HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background , double click on key named OEMBackground and change its value to 1
  3. Now OEM Background functionality is being enabled. Then browse to the folder%windir%\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds within Windows explorer. %windir% refers to your Windows install directory C:\Windows in most systems. Again the folder path may not exist already, so you can go ahead and create required folders.
  4. Now put in any JPG file with size less than 256 kb in this folder and rename it to backgroundDefault.jpg. This file will be stretched to fit the screen, so you would want it to match the resolution of your screen so that image doesn’t look bad.

This task was quite tough for the Layman to perform so with the help of Logon screen utility the user are able to change the background easily.It just require few clicks to modify the background easily.

Screenshot Studio capture #034

Through this interface the user can change the background easily and will able to test by clicking on the lock tab which will show them how that login screen will looks like. The main advantage with this tool is that we can restore our setting easily through the Restore button.

Just Browse the picture you want on the logon screen and click on apply and the background will automatically get changed. So it is a user friendly application and is quite useful for the users to make changes in there system.

Download Logon Screen

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